Minecraft: Lolita Princess Pack

Cheers dear Readers!

      In the past few weeks I have spent what little free time I have doing one thing, playing Minecraft. Some of you may have heard of the block based game of awesome and creation and I’m willing to bet some of you have even played it, maybe even own it. I personally really enjoy the game, but one thing had bugged me from day one, the textures. After a little while, they bugged me less, and I was able to put up with it, not even noticing that 1/3 of the textures were absolutely terrible to build with and literally just server to make you burn them in lava and replace them was something else, and then I discovered texture packs.

Just look at it! It’s so pretty!

This is not to say that I didn’t know about texture packs before, but simply that I believed them to be pointless garbage which to up more of my CPU and made Minecraft nearly unplayable (well, that’s what it did to my friends computer.) I later found out, texture packs are beautiful pieces of art that take up more of your computers CPU (less so if you use Optifine…) and that each one can add to the already wonderful minecraft. I personally have yet to use too many texture packs, but have already fallen in love with one in particular, one that seems to be unknown to most, but offers some of the most adorable textures I’ve seen yet.

The pack is called the Lolita Princess Pack, and it’s done by “Zoepapilla”. As you may have guessed, this texture pack is based on the Japanese street fashion “Lolita”, which makes it seem very ‘feminine’ or even ‘girly’. This is not the first pack which offers such a girly take to Minecraft, it’s not even the most high quality, or complete, something that makes this one special is the way it does things, first off, it’s not overwhelmingly pink.

My moon gets rainbows!

The rare forever alone Ghast in it’s natural habitat.

I have attempted to use a good amount of packs labeled ‘cute’ or ‘girly’ but each and every one just seems to fill the world with bright colors and 50 shades of pink, using one color to make it ‘girly’ vs. finding patterns that work with a variety of colors and don’t look too busy. This texture pack offers just that, with a more anime-like twist. The textures connect beautifully and the patterns work well together, which is a challenge every texture pack face, and why I believe many themed packs struggle.

The pack itself is reminds me of a Shōjo manga scene, with cute colors and the basic Lolita fashion concept, which does often occur in manga (though, it is not vice-versa, many ‘Lolitas’ are not big fans of the media.) It supports random mobs, which means that several of the mobs can have multiple different appearances, and many of the skins keep the ‘scary mob’ feel while still maintaining the overall feel of the pack (some referencing memes…).  The armor itself is Lolita fashion; well, as best as it can be in minecraft. Helmets are wigs with headpieces and leggings often have a skirt look to them. The overworld reflects the style of ‘sweet’ or ‘ama’ Lolita while the nether is based on ‘gothic’ Lolita (from what I can tell, the end is a mixture of the two).

I actually built these using a different texture pack, I’m amazed at how they turned out.

The pack is not fully done, paintings, the ender dragon, and custom water/lava animations have yet to be added. Though, this does not make it an incomplete pack, the rest of it is done, and looks perfect! I must say that for a one person team, they really outdid themselves for this pack. Minecraft feels like an almost new game with it, and I’d recommend it for any minecraft player who would like minecraft to have a more ‘cute’ feel to it.

Oh, and by the way, the Panda faced pumpkins are by far my

The inside of my panda sanctuary.



P.s. For more pictures I suggest visiting the site, same for download